A psychological drama about one of the 20th Century’s most important scientists. The Woman Who Joined Up the World is Eva Tind’s biographical novel about the Danish zoologist, Marie Hammer (1907-2002) who, over 47 years, travels alone around the world with a singular purpose. She wants to prove that the world’s continents, at some point in time, were joined together. At the same time, she dreams of having a family. But against the norms of the day, she insists that her husband must never get in the way of her research. She is the first woman to join Knud Rasmussen’s 7th Thule expedition in 1932, and then raises funds herself for her month-long expeditions. She writes her doctorate at home from the kitchen table with her four children around her, an unpaid researcher. She plans new itineraries for her conquests on the world map in her scrapbook.
Almost 50 years after her first expedition, Marie Hammer changes world history. Her persistent efforts lead to success in uniting the world, but she has to acknowledge that in her absence her family has crumbled. The Woman Who Joined Up the World is the story of a unique and fantastic scientist’s connection to nature and the desire to make your mark on history. About human ambition, family, love, renunciation and reconciliation – of the world and between people.
Wonderfully sharp, in both form and content.
– Jan Kjærstad’s favourite book of 2021
In The Woman Who Joined Up the World, Eva Tind uses the conventions of the historical novel to tell, with great energy, the story of a female zoologist who, in the middle of the last century, collected a colossal amount of material, which helped to prove that the continents were once joined together.(…) The title has something of the blockbuster or old Hollywood movie about it, which the book happily lives up to by being a fairly straightforward, everyday chronological depiction of an unusual woman who, in her adventurous life alternately travelled around the world collecting soil samples and sat at home with her microscope, closely studying microscopic organisms in the samples.
– Information
Eva Tind har skrevet en rørende roman om den stålsatte zoolog Marie Hammer, der revolutionerede vores kendskab til kontinenterne. (…) Eva Tind skildrer Maries kamp for at være sit eget livs protagonist med stor indsigt og stor sympati (…) Forsker, mor, menneske. Marie Hammer får krop og sjæl i Eva Tinds prosa.
– Weekendavisen
Eva Tinds ”Kvinden der samlede verden” er en prægtig skønlitterær æresoprejsning til en dansk naturvidenskabskvinde (…) Eva Tind går vidunderligt åbent og redeligt til værks, ikke forblændet og dog passende imponeret, i sin persontegning af den kantede, kompromisløse og knivskarpe Marie Hammer. (…) ”Kvinden der samlede verden” er en roman af format.
☆☆☆☆☆☆ Jyllandsposten
Hun trækker en enestående kvinde ud af glemslen (…) Det lykkes Tind at gøre en troværdig romanperson ud af Marie Hammer Med denne roman skriver Eva Tind sig med litterær kraft ind i den vigtige aktuelle bestræbelse på at drage enestående kvinder frem af historiens glemsel. Hun formår ikke alene at give en overbevisende skildring af en kvinde og hendes drivkraft, men også at formidle hendes forskning, så selv en naturvidenskabelig analfabet som jeg kan synes, jeg har forstået den.
☆☆☆☆☆ Politiken
Eva Tind has succeeded in creating a linguistically magnificent, yet accessible and captivating novel. (…) A novel about not compromising, about life outside of social norms, about a woman who has achieved great things but has had to sacrifice a lot for it. Eva Tind writes very scenically, with clear, captivating prose and an unusual visual language. (…) a book that has the potential to be a bookseller’s favorite – on a topic that is getting more and more attention.
– Sarah Houtermann, fiction editor Rowholt Verlag
A psychological drama about one of the 20th Century’s most important scientists. The Woman Who Joined Up the World is Eva Tind’s biographical novel about the Danish zoologist, Marie Hammer (1907-2002) who, over 47 years, travels alone around the world with a singular purpose. She wants to prove that the world’s continents, at some point in time, were joined together. At the same time, she dreams of having a family. But against the norms of the day, she insists that her husband must never get in the way of her research. She is the first woman to join Knud Rasmussen’s 7th Thule expedition in 1932, and then raises funds herself for her month-long expeditions. She writes her doctorate at home from the kitchen table with her four children around her, an unpaid researcher. She plans new itineraries for her conquests on the world map in her scrapbook.
Almost 50 years after her first expedition, Marie Hammer changes world history. Her persistent efforts lead to success in uniting the world, but she has to acknowledge that in her absence her family has crumbled. The Woman Who Joined Up the World is the story of a unique and fantastic scientist’s connection to nature and the desire to make your mark on history. About human ambition, family, love, renunciation and reconciliation – of the world and between people.
Wonderfully sharp, in both form and content.
– Jan Kjærstad’s favourite book of 2021
In The Woman Who Joined Up the World, Eva Tind uses the conventions of the historical novel to tell, with great energy, the story of a female zoologist who, in the middle of the last century, collected a colossal amount of material, which helped to prove that the continents were once joined together.(…) The title has something of the blockbuster or old Hollywood movie about it, which the book happily lives up to by being a fairly straightforward, everyday chronological depiction of an unusual woman who, in her adventurous life alternately travelled around the world collecting soil samples and sat at home with her microscope, closely studying microscopic organisms in the samples.
– Information
Eva Tind har skrevet en rørende roman om den stålsatte zoolog Marie Hammer, der revolutionerede vores kendskab til kontinenterne. (…) Eva Tind skildrer Maries kamp for at være sit eget livs protagonist med stor indsigt og stor sympati (…) Forsker, mor, menneske. Marie Hammer får krop og sjæl i Eva Tinds prosa.
– Weekendavisen
Eva Tinds ”Kvinden der samlede verden” er en prægtig skønlitterær æresoprejsning til en dansk naturvidenskabskvinde (…) Eva Tind går vidunderligt åbent og redeligt til værks, ikke forblændet og dog passende imponeret, i sin persontegning af den kantede, kompromisløse og knivskarpe Marie Hammer. (…) ”Kvinden der samlede verden” er en roman af format.
☆☆☆☆☆☆ Jyllandsposten
Hun trækker en enestående kvinde ud af glemslen (…) Det lykkes Tind at gøre en troværdig romanperson ud af Marie Hammer Med denne roman skriver Eva Tind sig med litterær kraft ind i den vigtige aktuelle bestræbelse på at drage enestående kvinder frem af historiens glemsel. Hun formår ikke alene at give en overbevisende skildring af en kvinde og hendes drivkraft, men også at formidle hendes forskning, så selv en naturvidenskabelig analfabet som jeg kan synes, jeg har forstået den.
☆☆☆☆☆ Politiken
Eva Tind has succeeded in creating a linguistically magnificent, yet accessible and captivating novel. (…) A novel about not compromising, about life outside of social norms, about a woman who has achieved great things but has had to sacrifice a lot for it. Eva Tind writes very scenically, with clear, captivating prose and an unusual visual language. (…) a book that has the potential to be a bookseller’s favorite – on a topic that is getting more and more attention.
– Sarah Houtermann, fiction editor Rowholt Verlag